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Training Modalities



Neurofeedback (NFB) is also known as "EEG Biofeedback".  It is therefore a type of biofeedback* that relies on the painless, non-invasive and safe monitoring of a person's brain electrical activity (EEG) while providing moment-to-moment information (feedback) upon such activity to the individual.  In other words, NFB is biofeedback for your brain. NFB trains or teaches to develop skills for efficient and effective brain activity by means of brainwave self-regulation directly training brain activity so that the nervous system learns to function more efficiently.  During an NFB session the brain is monitoring its working, all the while learning to change  to healthier patterns by receiving the appropriate feedback. Self-regulation underlies and promotes the ease to shift among different levels of arousal as required by the circumstances, from sleeping to peak performance, through everyday learning and functioning. The behavioral goal of neurofeedback training is to improve mood, cognitive function, attention, memory, and sleep, for example also helping to quiet the mind. NFB involves learning, therefore it is a gradual process.  To read more, please go to "Neurofeedback" and/or to "Links".



     Parent Coaching:   Parent coaching is the process of building a collaborative relationship between a parent  and a professionally trained and certified parent coach through in-person, skype or telephone sessions.  At the core of the process is the empowering of parents to visualize and implement changes for themselves and hence for their families in order to work out a parenting challenge. Parent coaching is not therapy, counseling, or friendship. It does not involve diagnosing or medication.  Parent Coaching highly relies on empathy and healthy, relevant challenging.   My approach to coaching parents is based on appreciative inquiry, open systems and non-linear dynamics.   To read more, please go to "Parent Coaching". 



Pause, Breath, Relax



  • Biofeedback is a form of behavioral training by which a person gains awareness of a specific bodily function by using instruments that measure, amplify and make evident the signals produced by a specific organ, eventually allowing a person to manipulate such functions.


I took prescription sleep medications every night for 10 or so years.  Without them, I could be exhausted and drowsy, yet still not fall asleep.  I tried CBT for insomnia without success either.  With about five or six sessions of Maritza's neurofeedback training I regained my ability to fall asleep and get a normal night of sleep without medication. Furthermore, I felt more rested during the day  and with improved memory than following medication-induced sleep. It has been 8 years now and I can still sleep like a regular person.  I highly recommend this neurofeedback for anyone with chronic insomnia that is not due to apnea or other medical condition.  


D.W.S.  Seattle

For over 20 years I required medication to sleep. Thanks to your help I left them permanently. 

Sleep and rest achieved thanks to your help is also incomparably better than that achieved with medications, as I noticed and told you from the beginning of our neurofeedback sessions.

Thank you so much again and my perennial recognition to you.


J.A.R.F. Mexico City

I am an MD and long time meditator.  When I retired, I lost my capacity to fall asleep or stay asleep and required medication and/or melatonin.   I decided to give NFB a chance when Maritza came to Mexico and offered her training.  Why not?   I did the Opti Sleep training with daily sessions for 2 weeks.  After that, I needed to go to France and hence obliterate my circadian rhythm.  Maritza's NFB was quite effective for me, it resisted the time change doubly, now I can fall asleep easily, even if it is a midnight because I am a night owl, I have followed the sleep hygiene recommendations she gave me and I can sleep at least 5-6 uninterrupted hours. I try to fall back asleep with mixed results, but generally succeed and sleep for 2-3 more hours waking up refreshed and relaxed.  When I cannot fall back asleep within 30-45 min, I meditate and then succeed in falling asleep once more.   For me, all of the above represent excellent results and a huge relief and I can't wait to have you back in Mexico to try more sessions.  I am very grateful.  


J.L.C.B., MD Mexico City.  

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